Injuries suffered due to a roadway accident can be minor, serious, critical or life-threatening. Even when minor, injuries can turn out to have fatal consequences. This is what happened when a mother of four was struck down while standing at a bus stop in Maple Ridge, British Columbia. Given the circumstances, a family bereaved in this unexpected way may consider pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit.
According to news reports at the time of the accident, the victim and one of her sons were transported to hospital with non life-threatening injuries. It’s conceivable that the family were comforted by this information, which suggested that neither the woman nor her son were in danger of death. Sadly, as personal injury lawyers know from experience, serious medical issues can arise from even apparently minor injuries.
Injury is like good health: you don’t know just how robust your overall health is until it’s tested by illness, and you don’t know whether an injury — even a minor one — will lead to a fatal prognosis. Innocently waiting for a bus at a designated bus stop, the victim and her son were in the path of an impaired driver crashing through barriers and jumping curbs. Yet, on the face of it, there was every reason to be optimistic about this mother’s fate, as reported in our blog of Feb. 6, 2018.
This thriving family, including a youngster of only 5 years old, is now left bereft of a well-loved mother. No doubt traumatized by this appalling outcome, this British Columbia family has every right to consider securing legal counsel to learn whether, apart from the criminal charges already laid, a wrongful death lawsuit might be appropriate. Of all the different kinds of roadway accidents, being fatally struck at a bus stop should not number among them.
Source: cbc.ca, “Truck crashes into bus stop“, March 26, 2018