Road and highway construction sites often test drivers’ patience, but drivers know that the safety measures in place are there not only to protect drivers but on-site workers as well. Recently, in Burnaby, roadwork was in full swing westward along 10th Avenue when an impatient driver ignored all of the cautionary signs, pylons and signalling, and plowed into a traffic flagger. The veteran flagger was the first accident victim of the driver of the white Hyundai who continued on to hit a second traffic flagger.
With three decades of experience behind her, the B.C. traffic flagger had every reason to expect that when she stepped forward with all due care towards the car to wave it to a stop, the driver would brake. The driver paid no attention and appeared to have accelerated on purpose. Intent on threading her own way through the Burnaby construction site just west of Kingsway, the driver struck a second flagger.
This reckless driver would not only be subject to British Columbian law, which protects citizens from injury and the harm leading to loss of life, but also by the Motor Vehicle Code, which governs drivers’ behaviour on provincial roadways. According to the RCMP, the traffic flagger who was struck first was in hospital with contusions and a head injury. As an accident victim of a hit-and-run, the flagger or her family would have cause to commence litigation against the driver of the Hyundai.
In cases involving head injuries, unexpected symptoms may surface, and some symptoms do not manifest immediately. This would affect the course of litigation, which could conceivably apply to cover costs associated with reduced ability to work or the return to a normal lifestyle. An experienced lawyer would be committed to providing all available legal options to the accident victim and to her family.
Source: vancouversun.com, “Charges expected after hit-and-run involving Burnaby flagger caught on video“, Stephanie IP, June 29, 2017